Thursday, May 19, 2011

Searching in the Dark

With the drapes pulled tight,
and the door securely locked,
frantically I search the house,
looking for my socks.

Was that all I needed?
Is this all I want?
There was something else,
wasn't there?
I guess I don't know what.

The lights are dim,
the music's low,
and now,
so is my heart.

What am I searching for?
I think I used to know.
Climbing sideways up the mountain
is the hardest part.


  1. Sometimes original goals seem foggy and unattainable with so many distractions present.

  2. I SO hear you -- The analogy of searching for something in the dark is a good one... especially if you don't know exactly what it IS that you're looking for!
    Whether socks, a relationship, or just a little bit of joy, when you're scrambling in shadowed spaces to find it, and you come across many things that maybe COULD be what you're looking for...but you just can't tell for sure, it's frustrating!


  3. and then sometimes, you realize you were holding or wearing the item all along!
